Our property insurance safeguards your dwelling from fire, natural calamities, and accidental damages.
In the event of burglary or unforeseen events, we compensate for the loss of your appliances, furniture, and jewelry.
Our property insurance policy includes coverage for water logging and resultant damages to your residence.
If your home is damaged and unfit for living, we cover alternate accommodation expenses.
Choose coverage from one to five years, eliminating the stress of frequent renewals or annual waiting periods.
With an in-house claims team, expect swift processing for any claims made under this policy, ensuring a hassle-free experience.
Share the complete details of your incident with us. Provide a comprehensive description of what happened to initiate the claims process.
Ensure you have gathered and submitted all the necessary documents as per our guidance. This step is crucial for the smooth processing of your claim.
Once your documents are in order, we will promptly initiate the claim settlement process, ensuring a seamless experience for you.